Fee Schedule

NEHC Club Membership 2024 Fee Schedule

Please Note: For the 2024 season (for all grades from u10 up except for Masters) we will be collecting match fees as a one-off payment to the club (payment plans will of course be offered for this) as opposed to weekly payments being made to the team manager. This fee will vary based on grade and is visible in the fee breakdown below.  If you regularly play for more than 1 team in a week (for example U18 and Metro 1) you will pay a match fee for each team you are a part of.

These fees also do not include your Hockey SA Registration Fee (often referred to as your insurance fee) these are paid during the registration fee.

The fees do however include your $50 Umpiring fee.

Any member who pays the $50 umpiring fee has the opportunity to be paid $50 by the Club by umpiring a single, suitable, game during the 2024 season. Members must notify the Club (umpires@nehc.asn.au) of their intention to exercise this option.
Also contact the umpiring coordinator if you wish to be express your interest in being in the Umpire pool this year and earn $50 for every game you umpire!



Match Fees

Membership Description

Junior Player - Under 08



Mixed Competition Boys & Girls - Under 8 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior Player - Under 10 $185.00 $70

Mixed Competition Boys & Girls - Under 10 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior Player - Under 12



Boys or Girls - Under 12 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior Player - Under 14



Boys or Girls Competition - Under 14 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior Player - Under 16



Boys or Girls Competition - Under 16 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior Player - Under 18



Boys or Girls Competition - Under 18 as of Jan 1 2024

Junior + Senior Player


$140 for juniors.

PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is for Junior Boys or Girls who also play in the Senior Competition

Junior Player with Family Discount - Under 11-18



This classification is restricted to Junior players who are the third, fourth, fifth (and subsequent) most junior members of families that have at least two other, "linked", full fee paying members (receiving no other concession from the NEHC) residing at the same address. NB Junior players that qualify for the family discount that wish to also play in the Senior Competition must instead register under the Junior Player - Additional Senior Team Nomination Classification

Junior Player - Additional Senior Team Nomination


$140 for juniors.

PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is reserved for Family Discount, Remotely located Junior players who wish to also play in the Senior Competition.

Junior Player - Goalkeeper
Additional Senior Team Nomination


$140 for juniors.

PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is restricted to Junior Goalkeepers who provide their own equipment who wish to also play in the Senior Competition.

Junior Player - Goalkeeper with Own Gear or Remotely Located Player or Dual Registered Player (North East Secondary Club)



This classification is restricted to Goalkeepers who provide all of their own equipment or remotely located junior players who live at a distance greater than 75km in radius from the NEHC or Junior players seeking to play with the NEHC that possess a primary registration with another club or non Metropolitan association NB Junior Goalkeepers with Own Gear & Remotely Located Players who also play in the Senior Competition must not use this subscription - they are required to register under the Junior Player - Additional Senior Team Nomination Classification

Senior Player


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

Senior Competition - Premier League or Metro 1-6

Senior Player - Student Concession


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is for Students playing in the Senior Competition - Current Student ID Card is Required

Senior Player - Dual Membership (NEHC Secondary)


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is reserved for senior players seeking to play with the NEHC that possess a primary registration with another club or non Metropolitan association

Senior Player - Additional Team Nomination


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is reserved for all players that register with NEHC after June 30. This category is also to be used by Playing Coaches, Committee Members, Life Members & Goalkeepers with their own gear who wish to play for a second, senior team.

Senior Player - Goalkeeper with own Gear, Remote Player


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

This classification is restricted to Goalkeepers who provide all of their own equipment, remotely located players who live at a distance greater than 75km in radius from the NEHC

Playing Committee


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

Committee who also play in the Senior Competiton.

Playing Life Member


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

Life members who also play in the Senior Competition.

Playing Coach (M2-M6)


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

Coaches who also play in the Senior Competiton. Increase due to no longer required to coach on Wed night (M2-M6 coach). No discount for PL/M1 playing coach.

Masters Player


Pay Per Week

Masters / Veterans Competition

Masters + Metro Player


PL/M1: $210

M2-M6: $190

+ Masters Pay Per Week

This category is for players who play in both the Masters & Premier League - Metro 6 Competition

  1. All players must be registered with the NEHC prior to training & season commencement. Players will only be entered on RevolutioniseSport and therefore, eligible to play once registration and payment of the compulsory Hocey Australita and Hockey SA Individual Membership (Insurance) Fee has occurred. Registration is accomplished by players completing this registration process online from the NEHC Website (Membership > Registration) and paying the compulsory Hockey SA Insurance Fee.
  2. Senior Full Time Student players must be able to produce a copy of their university or student card, which is dated and clearly indicates that they are currently a full-time student or alternatively, an original, signed and dated letter on official university or school stationery, which states that they are a full-time student.
  3. Senior Part Time Student players must, as a minimum, be able to produce an original, signed and dated letter on official university or school stationery, which states that they are a student. Please note that this classification does not apply to players undertaking an apprenticeship.
  4. Non-players may become an “Associate” member for a fee of $25.00.
  5. Please note that there are also match fees payable to North East Hockey Club and will be charged as per the table above, these are to be paid prior to taking the field for a players first game of the season.
  6. Reductions to the NEHC Membership Fee may apply in the following cases on a singular (non-cumulative) basis, i.e. only one form of fee reduction may be applied to any one player. The compulsory Hockey SA Membership Fee will apply to and is payable by all players regardless of any reduction being granted by the NEHC.
  1. Players who live more than 75km from the ground pay only the compulsory Hockey SA membership fee. Please note that this does not apply to players playing full time for a second, non-junior team, in this case they must also pay the applicable Team Nomination Fee (see Clause 9) for that team.
  2. Goalies who provide all their own gear receive a reduction to the applicable NEHC Membership Fee. Please note that this does not apply to goalies playing on the field or for a second non junior team, in this case they must pay the applicable Team Nomination Fee (see Clause 9) for that team.
  3. Seniors Card holders receive a $60 reduction off the applicable NEHC Membership fee.
  4. Team coaches receive a reduction from the applicable NEHC Membership Fee for themselves. Where there is more than one coach for any given team this discount will be split, i.e. Team A has two coaches – coach 1 receives 50% discount off the applicable NEHC Membership fee and coach 2 receives 50% discount off the fee.
  5. Fee reductions apply to a maximum of 1 team membership, eg Coaches who play both the Senior and Masters (Veterans) series will be exempt from the NEHC Senior Membership fee but will still be responsible for the Team Nomination Fee (see Clause 9) for Masters
  6. Families with three or more players residing at the same address will receive a family discount. The two most senior players will pay full price and the third, fourth, fifth (and subsequent) most junior members of families will pay $100 per member.
  7. Playing life members must pay the compulsory Hockey SA Membership Fee as well as the applicable Umpiring fee and match fees.
  1. New players, including those in the “Fill In” category who commence playing after the start of the season and prior to June 30 are responsible for paying the applicable “Full Season” fees & must also register as per Clause 1 above prior to playing their first game.
  2. New players, including those in the “Fill In” category who register post June 30 will be responsible for paying the applicable Team Nomination fee & must also register as per Clause 1 above prior to playing their first game.
  3. Team Nomination fees will be determined by the Committee based on current costs from Hockey SA.
  4. Fees may be paid by instalment but must be paid in full by no later than May 31st.
  5. All applications for a payment plan beyond payment in full by May 31st must be made by emailing the Treasurer at treasurer@nehc.asn.au
  6. If fees are not paid in full by May 31st, this will result in a player’s suspension from further competition until such time as payment is received in full and attract a $50 administration fee.
  7. Official team lists including any membership dues outstanding will be issued to team managers on an ongoing basis throughout the season. It is the team manager’s responsibility to verify that all players data is correct and that every attempt is made to assist in bringing outstanding membership fees current.
  8. Fees that remain outstanding at the end of the season will exclude a player from any further competition, remain due, must be settled prior to any re registration and may be subject to formal debt collection. By becoming a member of the NEHC you are consenting to your information being published on the Hockey SA website if you have outstanding debts.
  9. Membership fees may be paid via the NEHC Registration Portal online or alternatively by direct deposit to the Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000, Account 148395189. The name of the account is North East Hockey Club. Please clearly identify the player for whom payment is being made and advise that the payment has been made by emailing treasurer@nehc.asn.au.


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